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  D. H. Lawrence(1885-1930),英国著名作家,思想家。创作了多部极具批判精神的长篇小说,如《虹》、《儿子与情人》等,在当时及后世均引起广泛争议,并产生重大影响。他的散文作品笔调清新雅致,语言生动活泼。






  behead v. 砍…的头

  bugbear n. 妖怪、

  chaffinch n. 苍头燕雀

  doom v. 注定

  hypothetical adj. 假设的

  invisible adj. 看不见的

  mow v. 割草

  ogress n. 女妖魔

  scythe n. 长柄大镰刀

  sensuous adj. 感官上的

  stiffly adj. 呆板的

  uncanny adj. 怪异的

  villainously adj. 恶劣的



  by D. H. Lawrence

  The worst ogress couldn't have treated me more villainously. I don't care about right and wrong, politics, Fascism, abstract liberty, or anything else of the sort. I want to look at the mowers, and wonder why fatness, elderliness, and black trousers should inevitably wear a new straw hat of the boater variety, move in stiff jerks, shove the end of the scythe-strokes with a certain violence, and win my hearty disapproval, as contrasted with young long thinness, bright blue cotton trousers, a bare black head, and a pretty lifting movement at the end of the scythestroke.

  Why do modern people almost invariably ignore the things that are actually present to them? Why, having come out from England to find mountains, lakes, scythe-mowers and cherry trees, does the little blue-eyed lady resolutely close her blue eyes to them all, now she's got them, and gaze away to Signor Musolini, whom she hasn't got, and to Fascism, which is invisible anyhow? Why isn't she content to be where she is? Why can't she be happy with what she's got? Why must she CARE?

  I see now why her round blue eyes are so round, so noticeably round, it is because she "cares." She is haunted by that mysterious bugbear of "caring." For everything on earth that doesn't concern her she "cares." She cares terribly because far-off, invisible, hypothetical Italians wear black shirts, but she doesn't care a rap that one elderly mower whose stroke she can hear, wears black trousers instead of bright blue cotton ones. Now if she would descend from the balcony and climb the grassy slope and say to the fat mower: "Cher monsieur, pourquoi porlez-vous les pantalons noirs? why, Oh, why do you wear black trousers?" -- then I should say: what an on-the-spot little lady! -- But since she only torments me with international politics. I can only remark: What a tiresome off-the-spot old woman!

  They care! They simply are eaten up with caring. They are so busy caring about Fascism or Leagues of Nations or whether France is right or whether Marriage is threatened, that they never know where they are. They certainly never live on the spot. They inhabit abstract space, the desert void of politics, principles, right and wrong, and so forth. They are doomed to be abstract. Talking to them is like trying to have a human relationship with the letter x in algebra.

  There simply is a deadly breach between actual living and this abstract caring. What is actual living? It is a question mostly of direct contact. There was a direct sensuous contact between me, the lake, mountains, cherry trees, mowers, and a certain invisible but noisy chaffinch in a clipped lime tree. All this was cut off by the fatal shears of that abstract word FASCISM, and the little old lady next door was the Atropos who cut the thread of my actual life this afternoon. She beheaded me, and flung my head into abstract space. Then we are supposed to love our neighbors!

  When it comes to living, we live through our instincts and our intuitions, Instinct makes me run from little over-earnest ladies; instinct makes me sniff the lime blossoms and reach for the darkest cheery. But it is intuition which makes me feel the uncanny glassiness of the lake this afternoon, the sulkiness of the mountains, the vividness of near green in thundersun, the young man in bright blue trousers, lightly tossing the grass from the scythe, the elderly man in a boater stiffly shoving his scythe strokes, both of them sweating in the silence of the intense light.






  我现在明白了她的蓝色眼睛为什么这么圆,圆得这么令人注目。这是因为她“关心”。她被那个神秘的“关心”妖怪所缠身。她“关心”世上所有与她无关的事情。她特别关心,因为在看不见的远方,假想中的意大利人穿着黑衬衫,可是她却毫不关心那位身穿黑裤而非天蓝色棉布裤子的年长割草人,尽管她听得到他割草的声音。假如她现在会从阳台上走下去,爬上平静的山坡,对胖胖的割草人说:“为什么?哦,为什么你穿着黑裤子?” ----那么我就会说,真是一个亲临现场的小个子女士!----可是既然她只会拿国际政治来折磨我,我只能说:真是离题太远的讨厌的老太婆!



  说到生活,我们通过本能和直觉生活。本能使我从过分认真的小个子女士身边抛开;本能使我嗅酸橙树的花朵,摘取最紫的樱桃。但是,是直觉要我感受湖泊在今天下午的神奇般明净,群山的阴沉,有太阳的雷声中呈现出的主动的,近乎于绿色的颜色,那个穿着天蓝色裤子的年轻人用长镰轻松地割着草,还有那个戴着硬边草帽的年长者笨拙地挥动着长镰,在强烈的光线和寂静中,两个人都在流汗。(申慧辉 译)







  经过一番激烈竞争,最终获赞最多的是 Crystal 同学。Ta 将获得托马斯?肯尼利亲笔签名的《亚伯拉罕·林肯》一书。







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